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Rules V6 Update: Rules Agreement Form,New Voyeur Rules & Etiquette Expectations

DM - Autumn

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

Hey Fiends!

We've updated our rulebook with some pretty important changes. We're now on V6 of the rules.

One of the changes we've included slightly alters the way you'll gain access to the event and agree to our rules, so please make sure you've read everything below.

  • The V6 ruleset has a section called Event Registration & Password.

  • You need to click on the link in that section of the rules in order to confirm that you've read, understood and agreed to the rules.

  • Once you've submitted the form with the required information, you'll recieve your event password.

We've made this change after running with a covert password in our ruleset for a handful of events now - with great success in the majority of cases. But, we need to tighten up some leaky bits, such as incidents where only one person in a group knew the password or our doorstaff catching people giving others the password or pointing out exactly where it was in the rules document.

It's an extra step - but it's really, really quick and gives us all a bit of extra assurance.

If you don't use the form to indicate you've agreed to the rules, you won't be granted entry to the event.

The other V6 Rules Amendment include the following changes:

  • Voyeurs are now NOT PERMITTED to ask to join active scenes.

    • Voyeurs are still welcome to watch in public play spaces - but only watch. No asking to join other attendees.

  • Instead, active participants can offer for others to join their scenes.

    • This puts the power back in the hands of the active participants in a scene - It's up to you to communicate to your audience if you want to extend an invite to those around you.

  • Attendees are still encouraged to talk to other attendees and introduce themselves/strike up a conversation/ask to be involved in scenes, but only outside of active scenes.

    • IE: You want to join a scene, but it's still going on. You'll need to wait until they've finished their activities and moved out of the play area to go and introduce yourself and see if they'd be open to people joining them in a future scene - after a conversation to communicate boundaries, activities, safeguards and share sexual health status.

  • All active scenes are considered to have 'bubbles' in order for voyeurs and other attendees to remain at a reasonable distance.

    • This means that, yes, being 4 inches away from someone's genitals with a locked stare without their express consent to do so is prohibited and may see you ejected from the premises. You see where we're going with this.

  • Further Etiquette expectations.

To look at which parts of the ruleset have been amended, we've made it easier for you! Use the ChangeLog at the top of the document - each section that's been updated has been bookmarked for ease of locating and reading!

Etiquette & Rules Changes Rationale:

Our reasoning for no longer permitting voyeurs to ask people engaged in active scenes is as follows:

  1. Having a 'Can I...?' asked every minute, distracting you from a scene/a moment isn't just irritating or off-putting, it can be dangerous - for multiple reasons.

  2. We wanted to put the offering power back in the hands of the active participants.

  3. We want to encourage conversations about boundaries, activities and sexual health before scenes and interactions start.

  4. We don't want to punish cultivating an 'Ask' culture - but there's a time and a place to ask. It's not during live scenes where no-one is interested in involving other people.

  5. We also don't want to outright stop voyeurism being an option as we recognise it is a very, very common fetish and is, 90% of the time, a purely spectator sport, so to speak. So, to keep the balance, we've chosen this approach.

Rules V6 FAQ:

  • Can I still watch/be a voyeur?

    • Answer: Yes! Watch. We have three spaces for dedicated public play and voyeurism. Just don't ask to join folks in active scenes and keep at a reasonable distance away.

  • What if we don't want voyeurs?

    • Answer: Then you'll need private room.

  • Do I have to offer invites out if I want voyeurs to join in?

    • Answer: Yes, if you're in a public play room. Glory Holes are the exception to this rule, of course.

  • Is it a good idea to talk to the people I want to play with in advance?

    • Answer: Yes! Always a good idea. Set your wants, limits, safe-words, discuss your sexual health.

  • Do I need to have bought a ticket to agree to the rules?

    • Answer: No - Anyone can read the rules and agree to them using the form - even before they've purchased a ticket. (In fact, we prefer people do it that way!)

  • If I didn't buy the tickets, how do I use the form to get the password?

    • Answer: You don't need to have bought tickets to read the rules and fill in the form - but, ticket holders will be prompted to remind those they are attending with to ensure they've read the rules and filled in the form. Every individual attendee is responsible for themselves when it comes to reading, understanding and agreeing to the rules. No-one can agree to them for you.

  • Does this change mean that if the rules don't change, then the password doesn't either?

    • Answer: At the moment, yes. We're still examining the potential benefits and drawbacks of using per-event passwords.

  • Is this different to the Photo Gallery passwords?

    • Yes, it is. The event passwords won't work for the event gallery and vice-versa.

  • What do I do if the form doesn't load/something doesn't work?

  • Will I still have to fill in the form if I pay on the door?

    • Answer: Yes! We've bought a tablet specifically for this purpose, just in case someone doesn't have a smartphone or if they don't have any data left, etc.

  • What do I do if I'm still unsure about something?

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