Autumn - Head DM/Head of Event Safety/DPO
15 years experience in Adult Content & Entertainment
10 years experience in multi-disciplinary Project & Programme Management
5 years experience in Events Management
L4 Dip in Project Management including APM PMQ accreditation
Certified in multiple management methodologies
DPSS cleared (current)
Security vetted to a high Government standard (Unable to disclose level as per UKSV and OSA)
Accredited in Risk Management
DPO Trained (including DPA 2018, UK GDPR and EU GDPR
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility expertise at corporate consultation level
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Level 2 certified
Also certified in Sharps & Needlestick Management, COSHH, Health & Safety, First Aid At Work, Conflict Management, EDI&A, Disclosure Response.
Autumn is currently training/undergoing certification to complete:
Level 3 Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA)
SIA Licencing